Current date/time is Thu May 09, 2024 10:06 pm

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

Welcome to Illuminaughty, where FP's more "mature" community hangs out! We're all pretty chill here, however we do ask that you keep a few things in mind: 

1. No overly harassing posts. You ARE allowed to vent your mind. You ARE allowed to talk about other players, posts, or issues that took place on FP or within the forums. You do NOT get to directly harass a player and you do NOT get the rights to be malicious to one another. If we feel your thread has gotten out of hand, it'll force us to close it. It does not matter who you are. Just no.

2. No selling of art, animals, games, items, sex or etc. ** in discussion **

3. Listen to the mods/admins of the forum. Seriously. We're not mean, demanding or power-hungry. We have your best intentions in mind. If we ask you to do something, you best listen to us or you can go bye-bye.

4. The mods/admins are required to know your identity. We have a private list of your names and IDs. If we ask you for your name and/or ID, you MUST respond with the correct information. This is in case there is an issue or someone pretending to be you, we want you to be aware and be able to message you for forum-citizenship confirmation. This is for -your- benefit as well as ours. Your identities will NOT be shared with the users of the forum unless you share it yourself. ( you do not need to message us. I personally offer a welcome message whenever I am able to do so along with the opportunity to respond with your name/ID. If you do not message the information back but have been on since asked, you will be banned as a suspect of snooping )

5. The topics and discussions on this forum should STAY ON THIS FORUM. There is a reason for this forum and that is to talk about things that are not FP-appropriate. FP is a community itself. You do NOT need to drag the drama from these forums onto that site. If you would like to rebuttal a statement someone said about you or think they said about you, reply on the forum. Do NOT create a topic about it on FP or message people to argue on FP. Keep the drama here, not there. Keep those boards clean. This isn't just for your sake but also for all of Furry-Paws' as NO ONE wants to deal with another drama thread there.

6. If your topics contain triggering content, leave a [TW] in the title. The TW stands for "Trigger Warning" and can cover the topics of rape, sexual assult, abuse, depression, suicide, self-harm, overdose, or even in depth with drugs, to name a few. This is for the safety of users on the forum. If you forget to do so, don't sweat it. A mod will probably edit it in. But we prefer if you're awesome and abide by this rule. Basically, it is your judgement call if you need to add a "TW" to your topic title. ( this does not include the 18+ forum )

7. You may NOT have an account for the purpose of snooping. If we find that you have been actively browsing the forum but have not said a single word and have been on longer than a week, expect to be banned. If you are going to have an account here, we require you to be a part of the forum. This doesn't mean you have to post in every topic. It means you must be active. A real user. Not just a rat. Here's an introduction topic to get you started!!

* Failing to abide by these rules may result in a ban, a temporary ban, or etc.
** Rules of the forum may change at any given time with or without notice. It is your job to stay up-to-date.